Fight Back Against The Denial Of Your Fire Loss Claim:
The tragedy of a fire – the loss of belongings, keepsakes or even your business can be one of the most traumatic events in your life. Sadly, many fire survivors are then denied any compensation from their own insurance company. If your insurance company is delaying payment or has denied your claim – you need an experienced lawyer.
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Free Consultation
Fire Loss Cases: We Represent Only Policyholders – And Will Make Your Insurance Company Pay Your Claim
You have faithfully paid insurance premiums for years – yet when you make a claim on that policy, your insurance company looks for any possible reason to deny your fire loss claim. They may allege insurance fraud, deny your claim because you cannot produce documents that were destroyed in the fire, or even accuse you of arson.
This is no time to be without experienced and aggressive legal help. Our attorneys will conduct an in-depth evaluation of both your insurance policy and the particular facts regarding the fire. We work closely with public adjustors to get a fair assessment of your loss (including the loss of use of your home) and then actively pursue your claim.
We advance your claim through all stages of the process including, producing documents, examinations under oath, litigation and trial. Contact us – we charge nothing for our initial consultation and review.